A couple weeks ago I went with a friend from church to see Dr. Seuss's How the Grinch Stole Christmas! She & I decided to get all dressed up, so here I am in my fancy shirt. I even wore a skirt out in the crazy cold! We had a fun time and enjoyed the musical even though our seats were in the nosebleed section.
December Happenings
A couple weeks ago I went with a friend from church to see Dr. Seuss's How the Grinch Stole Christmas! She & I decided to get all dressed up, so here I am in my fancy shirt. I even wore a skirt out in the crazy cold! We had a fun time and enjoyed the musical even though our seats were in the nosebleed section.
Photo Fun
Skee Ball Celebration
Greg finished another class today! Yea! AND he submitted his paperwork for May graduation! Bigger YEA!
Tree and more

Greg was the privileged tree-topper this year. We had fun decorating with Andrew and Angie and the King parents while they were in Boston for Thanksgiving.

More of Our Story
Since we’re sharing, may I tell you a couple stories from this journey we’ve been on over the past few months? Maybe it will be encouraging to some of you who have or are walking a similar journey as us. There are so many of us…
My fight to hope (excerpts from my journal…)
“Today was the day. The pregnancy test gave us the exciting news. The question running through our hearts and minds now is whether or not we'll make it past the first few weeks. Two months ago, I miscarried at the end of week four (or five depending on how you count it). I know this is common (1 in 3 pregnancies?), but it was extremely difficult to swallow. I know I am high risk; I've been charting for ten months. Still, it doesn't lessen the sadness. Yet God was amazingly gracious in providing us with comfort and peace and even joy (rooted in faith in Him) through the mourning. Now we simply pray and wait again...and wonder whether this is His timing...or not.”
A couple days later… “With my first pregnancy, I miscarried the evening of the day I had a positive pregnancy test. It was one of the most difficult days of my life. Quite the rollercoaster of emotions. (I had "known" I was pregnant for about a week before the positive test and suspected it the entire time.) I was thankful for Greg, a couple friends, and my parents who loved on me while I cried and tried to take in everything that had happened. It's amazing to go through an entire day and now TWO entire days knowing that God is forming our little one inside of me. I am immensely thankful for these two days. I plead with my Father to let this little one survive through the next 8 months and live to open its eyes and see its parents one day, but I trust God's timing. His plan is perfect. It cannot be thwarted. I rejoice in His constancy and find great joy and peace in resting in His will.”
A few more days later… “I recognize that we still have a high risk of miscarriage at this point. I have gone back and forth about how to handle it, and in the end, I've decided to live with hope instead of dread or anxiety or fear. I have faith in God's provision, and I have faith in His plan. And I am hoping that it includes our little one making it into my arms one day. If not, well then, our Father will walk with us through that time. Now is a time of rejoicing and taking care of this little one.”
A few more days later… “My beloved son or daughter, You left me today. This is a reality of which I am consciously aware, yet my heart stubbornly refuses to accept. I had a week longer to dream about you than our first little one. Your daddy and I made our first prenatal appointments; we found out at which hospital you would have been delivered. We began talking about possible names for you… You were such a delight to us for the past couple of weeks. I am thankful to have been your home for these few weeks... How do I go on, Lord? How can I endure this again? How can I continue to hope after a second loss so great? What did my hope gain other than greater heartache? I know what it gained...greater joy. And peace. And faith. And love. Even through this short amount of time being a mother, you allowed me to know You more and You conformed me ever more to Your image. I imagine, Lord, that much is yet to come as I process and begin a new page… I don't know how to take the next step… Father, be my Light, my Guide, my Strength, my Path, my Joy, my Shepherd, my Shield, my Life. Please teach me how, once again, to mourn the death of another little child of mine.”
A few days after our miscarriage, Greg offered to have a little memorial and symbolic burial in our nearby reservation. I cannot express how healing this was for me, I think for both of us actually. We found a secluded place, dug a little hole, and buried two little symbols of the children we have lost this year. Greg said some words about our journey, prayed for us, and we said goodbye to our unborn little ones.
What a testimony of the Lord’s faithfulness that just two and a half weeks later I find myself at a place where I can say (or at least try to say) to God: “Thank You that I can move into the future non-defensively, with hands outstretched to whatever lies ahead, for You hold the future and You will always be with me.”
Thanks for walking with us.
With hands outstretched to whatever lies ahead
I was not originally planning to share this with our blogging community until I read something this morning that made me realize that I simply had to share this with you all. I’ve mentioned previously that I am in a Bible study with two other ladies from my church. We recently completed our Beth Moore study on the tabernacle, and we started a month-long study walking through the book “31 Days of Praise” by Ruth Myers. I was so blessed to begin this study a few days after Greg and I received our sad news; it is exactly where God needs me to focus my heart for this month.
So here were some of the words from Ruth’s prayer this morning (pulled and compiled from various Bible verses): “…I praise You for Your sovereignty over the broad events of my life and over the details. With You, nothing is accidental, nothing is incidental, and no experience is wasted. You hold in Your own power my breath of life and all my destiny. And every trial that You allow to happen is a platform on which You reveal Yourself, showing Your love and power, both to me and to others looking on. Thank You that I can move into the future non-defensively, with hands outstretched to whatever lies ahead, for You hold the future and You will always be with me, even to my old age…and through all eternity.”
That is how I desire my life to be positioned – with hands outstretched to whatever lies ahead, seeing every trial as an opportunity to know and show God’s love and power in my life.
“Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word.” 2 Thessalonians 2:17
Istanbul, Turkey...March 2009
So this is what patriotism feels like. (updated comments)
Two of my favorite quotes from Obama's victory speech in Chicago's Grant Park:
"If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer."
“The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even in one term. But, America, I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there."
So this is what patriotism feels like.
Our Neighborhood Reservation
An autumn walk
Winter is looming
(A disclaimer: if you look at our weather right now you would think I am a complete wimp. And it is true that I am, BUT the temperature this morning at 8:15 when I left the house was just below freezing, so don't judge me by our high today!)
Clam Chowder anyone?
Beautiful Piles of Leaves
Today was one of refreshment for me despite a drowsy beginning. For the first day in many I actually felt mostly well. My heart is greatly encouraged, this due to an evening of meaningful fellowship with our community group last night, a much needed lunch date with my husband, and the promise of more sweet fellowship with a friend tomorrow. My Savior knows my needs, and He is abundant to meet and exceed them. I am thankful.
Our church and our community groups are studying prayer together. I am so encouraged by this, though all the more I wish I could devote my life to prayer, as I was able to do quite freely while in Istanbul. I wonder how I could adjust my life to recapture even a portion of what I had there. I do not know how to do it while working as I am. How do you devote your thoughts to prayer while also diligently turning your mind to producing excellence while at work? After having experienced these being one in the same for a couple years, this has been my constant struggle and reason for discontentment and frustration since returning to the States. If only my vocation could be to intercede on behalf of others! I could not think of a greater delight...
I do wonder though, how I might make changes in my life currently to open up time for more prayer. The question I have is - am I willing to make the sacrifices? Am I able?
"...And as Jesus passed on from there, two blind men followed Him, crying aloud, "Have mercy on us, Son of David." When He entered the house, the blind men came to Him, and Jesus said to them, "Do you believe that I am able to do this?" They said to Him, "Yes, Lord." Then He touched their eyes, saying, "According to your faith be it done to you." And their eyes were opened..." Matthew 9:27-30
Post October 3rd

"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the Name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." Colossians 3:17
God's faithfulness in my relationships
- A Tuesday evening off from band practice so we could meet Eliot and Jessie for dinner at Chick-Fil-A. We hadn't gotten together since MAY! Our long-term passions are quite aligned, and it's always fun to share and dream together.
- Dinner with Lindsey in Beacon Hill. A sweet time of sharing our joys and struggles with careers and marriage and many other things.
- A four hour hike with Ryan & Janine last Saturday. Great conversation, much needed exercise, and an awesome place to hike nearby - Blue Hills Reservation. Greg & I are thrilled to get to lead a community group this fall with this special couple.
- Bible study with Katie and Connie. What a blessing to share life so deeply with two amazing women!
- Women's September book study at church - We're discussing Noel Piper's book on women of extraordinary faith. God has opened a little door for me to lead the ladies in worship through a song or two now and then, and I've LOVED being able to serve in that way again. It's also been fun to get to know a few newer women at the church.
- Dinner with Nick & Deborah, our newlywed friends. They're so adorable; we love that we live so close to them!
- Connecting a little more and a little more deeply with some gals serving in the church band.
- Breakfast with Dan & Ann. Good times catching up, getting excited about community groups beginning and serving the church band together this week.
- And then of course with work being so crazy, it means more time with co-workers. I've been having fun getting to know some colleagues more these past two weeks. And I love the lunch breaks and Dunkin Donuts runs that keep us going!
Where I have been the last few weeks...
Congratulations, Nick & Deborah

A First
One of the things I've always admired about Greg is how he faithfully digs deeply into the background, meaning, and application of scripture. I remember going to him in Turkey once before we were even dating and asking if he could help me better understand the necessity of blood for sanctification in the Bible. (One of my dear friends in Turkey was asking about this.) Greg expertly walked me through the Old and New Testament, pulling out the significance of bloodshed. I remember walking away thinking, "Wow, God. You have given him a gift of teaching Your Word with depth and accuracy."
Yesterday was a great opportunity for Greg to teach our community. He'll be the first to admit he has a lot to learn about teaching in that context, but I know many were blessed by how he faithfully handled the Word and relied on the Spirit yesterday. I'm personally excited to watch him grow as he has more opportunities to teach in the future.
Bringing the Old Testament to life
A week off
In other news, I took most of last week off of work to prepare myself for the schoolyear ahead (ah). And it happened to be our anniversary last Wednesday as well. We celebrated by going out to dinner, and Greg gave me a gorgeous bouquet of my favorite flowers! They still look perfect this evening! We also went to the beach that day (a sandy one that is).

Baby Zek
Did you receive our newsletter?
Let me know what you think! I wouldn't be surprised if it takes us another three years to do this again! Ugh!
In other news, Drew & Carrie arrive in less than 48 hours!!!
Oh Texas, my Texas
I spent two days in
First, my Baylor classmate, Jaime, generously went to work a little late and met me for an hour Thursday morning. Talk about an hilarious exchange as we tried to catch up on over six years of life after Baylor in about an hour! We tried to describe our significant others (which was quite a task—really, how do I sum up Greg in a few minutes?!), talked about our career paths, life in
(This is stolen from his Flickr account. Maybe family?)
(Stolen from the Douglas' blog -
See more pictures of Amy & Audrey here.)
My conference ended at noon on Friday, and I scurried to meet Baylor and First Woodway friend Sarah for lunch near the Capitol where she works. Again, it was a crazy hour of playing six-years catch-up. I was thrilled to hear about Sarah and Jon’s preparation to be part of a church plant in
(Stolen from Facebook - Sarah & her hubby Jon)
Wow! What a blessed two days God gave me in
Thunder, Bells, Books, & Babies
- Summer Thunderstorms. To my amazement, the last 2+ weeks have had almost daily thunderstorms. I even had to find shelter walking home from work once last week due to hail! And it hailed again today. I admittedly love these summer thunderstorms though I do lament the problems the excess rainfall causes to many basements, gardens, etc. Over my lunch break today, I sat by a window and simply marveled at our creator God who not only designs these majestic displays but is so much more magnificent Himself than even the most glorious thunderstorm!
- Kettlebells. Among the random things I saw on television while staying at the Providence Biltmore a couple weeks ago was a brief clip on the benefits of kettlebell workouts. It's effective; it looked fun; I was sold. So I randomly found time to purchase my 15 lb (the approx. recommended weight for non-athletic woman) kettlebell last week, and it truly is a ton of fun (and a ton of work). Youtube has been my friend in finding new ways to use this weight. Now I just need to work on adjusting my eating habits. Why is it that I felt less guilty eating a big bowl of ice cream a few hours after I used the kettlebell? Shouldn't it be the other way around?
- Two great books. A few weeks back I picked up a good book at B&N which I have almost finished -- Too Busy Not to Pray by Bill Hybels. It is quite introductory, but as I was just looking to infuse some additional encouragement, accountability, and tidbits of advice from a seasoned and respected brother, I have found it wonderfully beneficial. My greatest take-away thus far is the encouragement to make time for solitude and stillness to actively listen to and speak with the Lord. The second book is one I picked up tonight at B&N by John Stott -- The Living Church. I'm about a third of the way through, and I love his word picture of a biblical church in a culture moving from modernism to post-modernism. Living in Boston and working at Tufts, I find Stott's reminders of the Church's mission refreshing and much-needed. Relativism and tolerance are preached excessively in my world, and I struggle with knowing how to live the life of Christ authentically here.
- Babies. Some of you know how deeply I long to start a family with Greg. It's funny how that desire seems overwhelmingly strong and urgent at times and at other times I'm able to live with it somewhat passively. Well, the past week has been exclusively the former. I'm sure that's been somewhat influenced by baby Eden's recent arrival, but it's also surfaced much as Greg and I have been seeking God's leadership for life post-graduation. I find it sad how I sense my need to be listening to the Spirit so much more when major life decisions are looming...but if this will help me grow more in my commitment to deepening my relationship with God, then I'm thankful.
We love our city!

Providence, Rhode Island

Eden and Providence

Passing time
Most random and oldest picture first. This is what I did while Greg wrote papers. I never knew how long it would take to make 6 dozen deviled eggs...and I think it's safe to say I'll never make that many again on my own. My thumb was actually bleeding by the end! BUT I made them for a friend's baby shower, so it was a worthy sacrifice.

The next couple pictures are from our perfect day. Our condo building puts a tremendous amount of effort into the landscaping, so I took a couple pictures of flowers that day. They're not as novel now, but they had just started to bloom that day.