
Saturday morning

I'm having one of those Saturday mornings that I love! I'm currently sitting bundled (it's a little chilly in here) cross-legged at our table in the kitchen typing away on our beloved Mac while Greg's playing and singing one of my favorite songs - Marvelous Light. I got to sleep in this morning and woke up in a great mood! I've spent the past two hours procrastinating what needs to be done by looking at emails, facebook, and blogs. How fun! I even added labels to our posts - finally! I keep asking Greg when he's going to start writing on our blog (I know our readership will triple with all his deep and witty thoughts). Today he said, "I could blog about everything I have to do today." Okay, so maybe he's not ready yet. But he will be soon! And then he'll be just as addicted as I am to this world of blogging.

So it's really interesting to add labels to posts. It really makes me realize that I want to add more on certain subjects - books, Turkey, spiritual thoughts, dear friends, etc. Will it happen? I don't know. We shall see.

I hope you are having (or had, depending on when you read this) a marvelous Saturday morning and are as excited as I am about the upcoming American holiday of thankfulness! I can't wait! (Oh, and it's Mom's birthay too! What a cool day Thursday will be!)

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