Every day Greg and I wonder, "Is this the day we get to meet our son?" But not yet. We continue to wait, sometimes patiently, other times not so patiently. We thought it would be extremely special for him to be born April 3rd and share a birthday with his great uncle Bob who died in an accident this past year... Easter would have been special, celebrating Nathanael's birth on a day that is all about celebrating life (and our last miscarriage was last Easter Sunday)... My grandma's birthday is April 7th; that would be a fun date to hit, though we're completely fine with the 5th or 6th as well. :)
Greg and I are both finally at the place where we feel as ready as we can be, anxious to hold this little guy and get to know him and help him adjust to this new world (and us to our new lives with him)! Our bags are packed, his clothes are washed and put away, his bassinet is ready, the diapers are sitting out, the carseat is installed... (I have yet to write your thank you notes, friends!) My maternity leave begins tomorrow, so I finished work last week. We're walking A LOT, hoping that might help move things along a tad. Both of our last weekly appointments showed great progress in terms of my body being ready to give birth. In fact, due to my progress, our doctor has told us to come in as soon as labor begins now; no need to wait around at home for hours! That was definitely exciting news to get, but we know it really might not mean anything as well. Nathanael could still stay "in the oven" for a couple more weeks!
But I will still make my plea: Come out, son! Everyone wants to meet you!