
Planes, Trains, & Automobiles

At just past two months, our little guy was an amazing airplane passenger!

First, he exploded out his diaper just ten minutes before we left for the airport. What awesome timing! We were so thankful to not have to deal with that in the car, airport, or plane.

Second, he either slept, ate, or smiled all the way to our destination! He fell asleep on the way to the airport and didn't wake up until I was putting him back in his carseat AFTER making it through security. Then he was all smiles after he ate, enjoying looking out the windows at all the airplanes and the little vehicles zooming around below. (By the way, I have never loved the rocking chairs in Logan more than now! I am convinced a mother was involved in adding those to the airport.) He fell asleep again in the Bjorn as Mom and I ate and continued to wait for our delayed flight. He ate peacefully during take-off and slept almost three hours during the flight!

Only when we arrived and were changing his diaper in the airport before feeding him did he lose control for a little while. And I don't blame him - he was hungry! After that feeding (at 11:00pm), he talked to his Grandma (while I took FOREVER installing his carseat) and then slept the entire way to my parents' home (2 hours away), straight through being transferred from carseat to swaddler to crib, until 4:30am. What a champ!

So now our wee lad has experienced a plane, trains (if the T counts), and automobiles. He's a seasoned traveler.


the monkeys' mama said...

Yay for making it safely and SANEly! I know we talked about the logistics of this but if you ever get to use cloth diapers some day, i promise blowouts won't happen (or...i can't promise but it's almost 99% guaranteed!). Have a fun trip!

Anonymous said...

Hey Nathanael,
Reading of your travels reminds us of your Daddoo( Ask him about that name and "Can I call you dadoo?")Anyway, we took him to see his great grandparents when he was your age. He wasn`t a happy camper until your grandmom got in the back seat with him. Then he did fine,just like you!You have become part of a traveling family. Hope you enjoy the ride!!


Grandmom & Granddaddy King

PS Ask your mom & dad if you can come out and Skype sometime?