My dearest Nathanael,
You are four months old! Every day of your life, we marvel at God's grace in allowing us to be your parents. You are such a gift, dear son. And a growing gift you are! Though you do seem to be leveling out a little now, weighing in at 14 pounds 14 ounces (about the 50th percentile) and 25.5 inches in length (about the 75th percentile). It's so much fun to be your parents!
This past month has been full of new experiences for you: an outdoor swing (it almost put you to sleep!); the church nursery; trips to visit family and friends in Western Kansas and Topeka (with a not-so-fun diaper rash experience thrown in there); skyping with loved ones; talking to Daddy on the phone; and experiencing a summer festival, fair, carnival and parade! What a fun month!
Amidst all the excitement, you continue to develop in big and small ways. You went from seven to five feedings this month and do well with 2-3 naps (though you have absolutely no consistency in length of naps from day to day - ha!). We tried formula with you one evening, and you didn't seem to know the difference! You consistently sleep 10-11 hours at night. I love how you just hang out in your crib in the morning when you awake, looking around and talking to yourself for a little while. And probably your biggest development is falling asleep on your own! It only took you one long bedtime (5o very long minutes) to really learn how to do it, and we are so proud of you! You still struggle to fall back to sleep after a short nap, but I think you just don't want to miss out on any fun.
You aren't content lying on your back for long anymore; you bend your body and try to sit. And you love to sit in our laps and stand and sit and stand and sit... You can even stand on your own while holding on to a chair (but not for long yet). You've rolled over a few times, but you haven't been able to consistently repeat it yet. You love to clasp your hands, are quite intrigued with your feet and toes, and have become an avid finger sucker (two middle ones actually). We especially love how you cling to us when we hold you, grabbing our shoulders or arms or hands. And your fascination with exploring faces with your hands always makes us smile.
Much to our delight, you seem to really enjoy music, and we have many special moments of hanging out together and listening to music or singing along. And oh the joy of your smiles and laughter and squeals! Your delight is so contagious, little boy! We pray that your life will continue to be characterized by this delight and joy.
You are a true gift from God, Nathanael. We are thankful for who you are, who God has made you to be thus far. Happy four-month birthday!
your daddy and mommy
Nathanael Alim - 4 month old

And a few outtakes...
"What happens when I pull on this?"

"Are we done yet, Mom? I'm ready to take a nap."