Greg & I had a great time in Providence these past few days. I met a lot of people at my work conference and learned some interesting things. We stayed at the Providence Biltmore which was amazing! Wednesday evening we had steak and seafood at McCormick & Schmicks and then took a walk around downtown to burn off some of the calories. A few pictures...
The capitol building
Downtown as they were setting up for the waterfire (our hotel is in the back right)
As soon as it started getting dark, people began to collect along this river awaiting the famous Providence waterfire. Here are a couple videos from the evening. It started raining as they were lighting the fires, so we didn't get the best video of all the flames. It was a neat idea. The music was interesting, a strange mix of eclectic and classical. Providence has done a great job making their downtown a special place to hang out in the evenings.
Waiting, waiting, waiting for the fire

And here's what I found on the desk in our hotel room one afternoon. Do you think he was tired of studying Hebrew?
Pretty good self-portrait though

Last but not least, we completely enjoyed listening to the new Coldplay album while on the road! I would definitely recommend it!