We returned on Saturday from our time in Germany for GEM's Annual Conference. Two long days of traveling, four+ long days of sessions and seminars and meetings over meals with two young kids. Although it was indeed quite tiring, we also were pleasantly surprised by how much better both kids did this year. I don't know if it's that they're growing up or that we've been at that same location three years in a row now. Or maybe it was having another young family there with us (10-year-old Jonathan is his hero) that helped Nathanael have a better experience. Whatever the cause, we were encouraged by the improvements in our family's experience. Work-wise, we had lots of important discussions and meetings and gained a greater appreciation for our organization's history and current trajectory. It was also unique to worship through song in English and with a band! We greatly enjoyed that. A team from a church in California came to serve all of us in various ways, including leading us in musical worship and being the hands of feet of an amazing Kids' Program. Wow, what a special ministry! We are grateful!
Of course, all my photos are of the kids. I'm also sharing a few photos here taken by the Kids' Program.
Traveling to the hotel...a taxi, then an airplane, then a 3.5 hour busride. Eva finally gave in and slept a bit.
Two tired Kings
Eva smiling for her teacher on the last night
Nathanael engaged in Carnival Night fun