
Perde Pilavi - Happy Birthday to me!

This year, I decided to go all out and make one of my absolute all-time favorite dishes for my own birthday.  (And I bought a frozen cake at the store.) It was a ton of work and a bit nerve-racking, not knowing if it would turn out.  Here is the finished product:  Perde Pilavi!
It's a breaded chicken and rice dish with various seasons and nuts and such.  Oh is it delicious!  I think it's a traditional Turkish wedding dish, with each item signifying different blessings, such as health and children, etc.  I made pea soup to go with it.
Here was one of my "helpers" in the preparations.
 And the other.
And my sweet family gifted me with flowers, a book I've been wanting, and some marvelous Ameretto.  I feel loved.


Lissa said...

What is the book about?

Kim for the Kings said...

Hi Lissa, I'd be happy to respond to your questions, but could you share your email address with me and our connection? Thanks! kimber.king@gmail.com