
Making memories together

One of my favorite moments of each day is when I go to the kids in the morning.  I pick up Evangeline from her crib and place her in the bed with Nathanael, and the three of us have "cuddle time" until I insist that we must get them dressed and all have breakfast.
 A bagel date with my Nathanael!  (Yes, that's a tractor magazine!)  We were so excited to see bagels in the store as a specialty item for a few weeks.  We bought as many as our freezer could handle!
 Nathanael and I created a "sand city," complete with homes for all of our family members  plus the essentials, such as Hofer (Aldi in Austria), church, and Kindergarten. :)  (Evangeline was sleeping in the stroller.)
And finally, today, we explored the Belvedere Botanical Gardens as a family.  Gorgeous!  It was a perfect Autumn day to have the family outside and enjoying nature.

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