
More Special Visitors

As an early birthday gift, my parents and sister visited us during the kids' semester break. It was their first time in our home since our move, and it was such a special week together! My sister is awesome about remembering to take pictures, so here are some highlights.


January 2024 Happenings

Gregory turned 43 in January! We enjoyed cupcakes a few days early and then a dinner out together.
We had a weekend retreat with our colleagues in Austria.
A highlight this time was taking the kids ice skating.



Christmas 2023 with Opa and Oma

It was super special to have Opa and Oma visit from Michigan! We made special memories together, baking, playing games, eating, oh, and getting sick together. Yikes!

Christmas Market down the street from our home!

Eva was in a Christmas musical at church. She did a splendid job!

For Christmas, Eva and I were gifted with a mother-daughter two-night hotel trip, and we had so much fun together!
Nath even came to swim with us at the hotel a couple times. We liked sharing the fun with him!