One of my first priorities for our time in the States was to see my grandparents. The kids loved meeting some of their "Greats"!
Sweet time with my Grandma

My amazing Grandpa!

When Eva first saw Great Grandma, she ran and gave her a hug!
Car trips have had their ups and downs, for sure, but for never having traveled by car before, they're doing great!
Along with visiting my grandpa and grandma in Western Kansas, we visited the family farm. What a sweet tour my cousin Gwen gave the kids! They speak about it all the time!

She sure looked content at the wheel.

Nathanael had to sit in every cab in sight!

Little boy heaven

Precious moments with Grandma where she grew up

Big green tractors have always been a favorite.

They stuck close to Aunt Ann when feeding the chickens. Their faces are quite accurate. But Nathanael warmed up to them and helped collect eggs!

Visiting Grandparents always means fun new (old) toys! They loved it, and I love their crazy creative minds. Pictured below: flying an airplane while enjoying a meal on their seat-back trays (of course!)