Waiting to board the train that will take us to the airport where Grandpa and Grandma are arriving!
Mid-December happenings
We had our next door neighbors over for coffee, and they gifted both of our kids with new toys. So sweet. Eva received a shapes ball, just like the one I had as a child!
Every Tuesday at small group, these two are full of fun and antics! I happened to be caring for the kids and captured a few pictures this time. We love our small group community and that our kids are a part of it!
Evangeline would spend all day right here if I would allow it. She is constantly asking us to play music for her!
Nathanael's adjustment at Kindergarten
An email from my sister-in-law yesterday reminded me that I need to update you all on Nathanael's progress at Kindergarten. We put out a "call for prayer" of sorts at the end of October, due to a few uncharacteristic behavioral issues, and then we never updated you all. So here goes.
A bit of background. In September, Nathanael was moved from the youngest group at the Kindergarten to the oldest group, basically the equivalent of "Kindergarten" in the US. He and one other boy, who is also four, are the youngest, with most kids being five and many already turning six. He has seemed to take really well to the transition, even thrive with the higher level of expectations. Of course, the teacher has commented to me about how he struggles to sit still during their morning circle time, but that worried me not one bit! What did she expect when she asked to bring a four-year-old boy into her class?! ;)
Still, as October was winding down, we knew something was wrong. Out of respect for the little guy, I'll spare you the details. But a handful of things were occurring that are simply not our Nathanael. We asked for prayer from many of you, not knowing how serious the impetus for this behavior would be, and a couple days later, out of seemingly nowhere, Nathanael opened up to me.
In German, he said, "Mom, some children call me a baby in Kindergarten." I stayed with him in German, and we talked about who and how often (it was a lot!). We talked about why they may be saying this, addressing him being the youngest but also talking about how they may have been called the same thing when they joined the older group, not that that makes it right. And then, we spoke about what to do when other people say mean things about us. It was such an amazing, teachable moment. By the end of the conversation, my brave four-year-old felt ready to tackle whatever may be said to him, because he knows that he is loved by God, and by his family. And I think he better understood what it may look like for him to "love his enemies" with the love of Jesus. We prayed together, and then I think he probably said something random and seemingly shallow and silly as a transition out of the conversation. Four-year-olds.
We celebrate God's clear answer to our prayers. He led Nathanael to speak with us, and He gave me wisdom to stay with Nathanael in German, to allow him to express this heart issue in the language it most affects him. And in the end, God used it to bless Nathanael and hopefully other children in his Kindergarten group.
A bit of background. In September, Nathanael was moved from the youngest group at the Kindergarten to the oldest group, basically the equivalent of "Kindergarten" in the US. He and one other boy, who is also four, are the youngest, with most kids being five and many already turning six. He has seemed to take really well to the transition, even thrive with the higher level of expectations. Of course, the teacher has commented to me about how he struggles to sit still during their morning circle time, but that worried me not one bit! What did she expect when she asked to bring a four-year-old boy into her class?! ;)
Still, as October was winding down, we knew something was wrong. Out of respect for the little guy, I'll spare you the details. But a handful of things were occurring that are simply not our Nathanael. We asked for prayer from many of you, not knowing how serious the impetus for this behavior would be, and a couple days later, out of seemingly nowhere, Nathanael opened up to me.
In German, he said, "Mom, some children call me a baby in Kindergarten." I stayed with him in German, and we talked about who and how often (it was a lot!). We talked about why they may be saying this, addressing him being the youngest but also talking about how they may have been called the same thing when they joined the older group, not that that makes it right. And then, we spoke about what to do when other people say mean things about us. It was such an amazing, teachable moment. By the end of the conversation, my brave four-year-old felt ready to tackle whatever may be said to him, because he knows that he is loved by God, and by his family. And I think he better understood what it may look like for him to "love his enemies" with the love of Jesus. We prayed together, and then I think he probably said something random and seemingly shallow and silly as a transition out of the conversation. Four-year-olds.
We celebrate God's clear answer to our prayers. He led Nathanael to speak with us, and He gave me wisdom to stay with Nathanael in German, to allow him to express this heart issue in the language it most affects him. And in the end, God used it to bless Nathanael and hopefully other children in his Kindergarten group.
Prayer Requests
A filled boot
Nathanael made this "boot" in Kindergarten (pre-school) for the Eve of St. Nick! Believe it or not, this is him "posing" for the picture; his attempted smile cracks me up. He ends up looking somewhat disgruntled! Haha!
In case you're wondering, it was filled with the traditional gifts from St. Nicholas: chocolates, nuts, and fruit (especially clementines). And some of the chocolate may have gone missing the next morning after Mom went through the boot...
In case you're wondering, it was filled with the traditional gifts from St. Nicholas: chocolates, nuts, and fruit (especially clementines). And some of the chocolate may have gone missing the next morning after Mom went through the boot...
Residence Permit and Holiday Follow-up
On our way to the government office yesterday (to renew Evangeline's residence permit), we took advantage of a short wait at the tram stop to pray for the process and the officials with whom we would interact. As Gregory was praying, seemingly out of nowhere came the realization that I had not copied a couple important documents that were recently updated! We made the necessary copies while waiting in line at the office (which was quite a line, by the way). Once we made it into the processing office, the two officials who helped us (both kind, young women) reviewed and accepted our application without issue and gave us a date to pick up the renewed permit! We are incredibly grateful for the early realization that we were missing some important copies, the kind officials, and what seems to be a smooth renewal process this time! Praise God!
And in other news, we are thinking we might celebrate Nicholas Eve this year... So far, we're just planning to give Nathanael a few sticks of Pez candy which we had bought for his Christmas stocking anyhow. And maybe another small gift we'd stashed away for later. He is going to be so incredibly excited! Evangeline? I think we could put a piece of paper in her sock, and she would giggle with glee! ;)
And in other news, we are thinking we might celebrate Nicholas Eve this year... So far, we're just planning to give Nathanael a few sticks of Pez candy which we had bought for his Christmas stocking anyhow. And maybe another small gift we'd stashed away for later. He is going to be so incredibly excited! Evangeline? I think we could put a piece of paper in her sock, and she would giggle with glee! ;)

Renewing a residence permit and Celebrating Saint Nicholas
A little bird (*cough, cough* Deborah *cough, cough*) informed me that it's high time I recommence with blogging. I am so grateful for her willingness to push me a bit. For over a year now, I have intended to "catch up" with blog posts from after Evangeline was born. At this point, I am still hopeful to do that. Until then, I think it's time to simply begin with today.
This morning, in half an hour, Gregory and I will pack up Evangeline and head to the government office in charge of renewing residence permits in our district. They remember us every time we come (about twice a year); there are not very many Americans living in our district. We will wait in multiple lines, attempt to keep our 18-month-old from too many loud outbursts (key word: attempt), hope we're seen before lunch, and pray that the official who receives our paperwork will not find too many issues. We expect at least one; we have NEVER had our paperwork accepted here without the officials finding something to deny. Hopefully, the "one thing" this time won't require too much of a disruption to life in the next few days.
Here's our sweet Eva's picture this year:
On Thursday, Nathanael's preschool will celebrate Saint Nicholas, the 4th-century saint with a reputation for secret gift-giving, in preparation for the Eve of Saint Nicholas on December 5. Nathanael asked me yesterday if we celebrate this holiday in our family, basically wondering if he'll get a surprise gift from Saint Nicholas on Friday. It is sometimes difficult to know what holidays to keep from the States and which to adopt here in Austria. We were able to make Thanksgiving special as a family, but it was a completely normal day and week here in Vienna. To our kids, it's just a random big meal with other Americans whom they rarely see. And this week we have a holiday that is a big deal for children in Austria. The preschool builds up to the celebration, and all the children look forward to it! And yet we don't do much with it in our family...yet. Maybe that will change one year. This is only our fourth Christmas in Vienna. We are still adjusting and adapting and trying to figure out how to do this cross-cultural living thing.
This morning, in half an hour, Gregory and I will pack up Evangeline and head to the government office in charge of renewing residence permits in our district. They remember us every time we come (about twice a year); there are not very many Americans living in our district. We will wait in multiple lines, attempt to keep our 18-month-old from too many loud outbursts (key word: attempt), hope we're seen before lunch, and pray that the official who receives our paperwork will not find too many issues. We expect at least one; we have NEVER had our paperwork accepted here without the officials finding something to deny. Hopefully, the "one thing" this time won't require too much of a disruption to life in the next few days.
Here's our sweet Eva's picture this year:
On Thursday, Nathanael's preschool will celebrate Saint Nicholas, the 4th-century saint with a reputation for secret gift-giving, in preparation for the Eve of Saint Nicholas on December 5. Nathanael asked me yesterday if we celebrate this holiday in our family, basically wondering if he'll get a surprise gift from Saint Nicholas on Friday. It is sometimes difficult to know what holidays to keep from the States and which to adopt here in Austria. We were able to make Thanksgiving special as a family, but it was a completely normal day and week here in Vienna. To our kids, it's just a random big meal with other Americans whom they rarely see. And this week we have a holiday that is a big deal for children in Austria. The preschool builds up to the celebration, and all the children look forward to it! And yet we don't do much with it in our family...yet. Maybe that will change one year. This is only our fourth Christmas in Vienna. We are still adjusting and adapting and trying to figure out how to do this cross-cultural living thing.
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