
Dear Eva (7 Years)

Dearest Eva,

Happy seventh birthday to our delightful daughter!  We love you so very much, dear Eva.  You are a treasure.  We are honored to know you, to walk along side you, to encourage and support you as you continue to discover who God has made you to be, how He has made you to shine His glory into this world.  You definitely shine already with his love and compassion and extravagant expression!

What a year you have had!  You took that big step into school in September, and we are so proud of how hard you have worked during what turned out to be the oddest first school year we could have imagined.  You have had your ups and downs with learning, and it has been challenging to be one of the youngest kids (with a summer birthday), but you have really shown us that you are able to learn, when you want to and when you are ready!  You learned all your letters this year, began reading syllables and have made it into words and sentences, to your great disappointment.  You really do not like to read when there are a lot of words on a page!  You are actually good at it when you get over it and do it. ;)

You remained connected to some of your Kindergarten buddies for a bit this last year, especially during the summer and attending a music program together with them, but now you have truly bonded with friends in your class.  The exception, of course, is your best bud Mario with whom you made the Kindergarten to school transition.  You two with your active and sweet personalities are quite a pair!  We have enjoyed watching you bond with a few girls in your class, Eliza, Adele, and Victoria being your closest girlfriends.  In addition, we are grateful for friends at church, especially your dear Charlotte, whom we have missed seeing so very much these last few months of adjusted church during Corona time.  The gradual easing of the lockdown allowed you to get to know our neighbors really well, and you have really connected with Isabella, Annika, and Johanna as well.

Much was affected by everything suddenly and unexpectedly shutting down on March 13th due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  Ballet stopped, something which you greatly missed.  You had begun in a new dance school which is such a great fit for you, requiring a bit more but still keeping it fun.  Your spring swim lessons were cancelled before they began, and you are excited to restart lessons as soon as we can.  You had been making some great progress with piano as well, even shifting from lessons at the VHS to lessons at home!  Something that you have been able to do more these last few months is riding your bike -- now with gears! -- and riding your scooter.  You especially love riding along the stream behind our home and looking for the neighborhood cat so we can stop and pet her!  We are really impressed with how far and well you are able to ride!

This has been a year of exercising your voice, and we are so proud of the ways you have consistently spoken up for how you feel and what you want and need.  Your sensitivity is strong and beautiful.  Your thoughtfulness and kindness are beyond your age.  You continue to love to laugh and tease and cuddle and tickle.  Your big smile is so warming, and your exuberant excitement is contagious.  You love to express yourself, be it singing or dancing, painting or drawing.  You are our tactile learner, always touching and learning through handling items.

Highlights from the year include:  graduating from Kindergarten, family weekend in Neutal, attending two English weeks at our church and with Kids' Teams and bonding with the leaders, Annual Conference in Frankfurt (where Heidi lived with Klara!), a few weeks in the States to visit all the grandparents and enjoy some USA time, a sleepover with Claire and Charlotte, having Opa and Oma and the Bryans visit for Christmas, riding a horse on New Year's Eve, the winter circus, Grandpa and Grandma time in February, and your first night in a tent during Easter week (in our back yard during lockdown)!  You also seem to like school from home, most of the time.

We love you deeply, our dearest Evangeline Elif.  You are God’s wonderful creation, sweet girl.  Continue delighting and expressing and dreaming!

Happy Birthday!

Your mommy and daddy

7-year-old Eva!

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