
Initial thoughts on the Restrictions and Closings

Our restrictions began on Tuesday, March 10th with indoor gathering being limited to 100 and the prohibition of school field trips, to name a couple.  That Thursday afternoon, the government announced schools closing the following week until after Easter Monday and asked companies to make work-from-home possible for employees.  The next morning, Friday morning, March 13th, we received a 7am text from our school principal pleading with the parents to not send the kids to school.  Everything slid to a sudden stop for us at that point.  We made a frantic Friday morning trip to the grocery store to make sure we had enough food for a week.  (Europeans often shop every day or every other day for fresh groceries, and storage and refrigerator space is quite limited.)  By the next week, all non-essential stores were closed, initially for one week which was then extended until after Easter Monday.  The government restricted us from leaving the house unless we are (1) going to an essential job, (2) buying essential groceries, (3) helping others, or (4) getting some fresh air alone or with others from our household.  The one meter separation was announced.  We are now a little over two weeks into simultaneous schooling and working from home.  We take a couple walks a day, greet the neighbors from a distance.  There are pieces of it which are really fun and special, and the teachers are doing a wonderful job of attempting to support the kids and parents while not overwhelming us.  No one knows what we are doing.  But the reality of this strange situation is that it is not a balancing act.  It is a constant letting go...

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