
An Easter Tradition

I meant to post this before Nathanael's birthday.  Oh well.  Better later than never.
Nick and Deborah Cioffi introduced us to this Easter tradition in Boston, and we've since adopted it.  This year, we simply managed to add our family's four butterflies.
I hope that when the kids are a bit older and it's not so overwhelming to try and host and socialize, we'll more regularly invite people over for Easter.  Our collection is growing!
I love that Nathanael knows each butterfly and who made it for or with us.

It is special to have a story to tell when we speak about butterflies at Easter, a story of re-creation, regeneration, new life, and beauty.  It is an easier connection for me to make to Jesus' Risen Life than the Easter bunny. ;)

Here are the kids on Easter afternoon, receiving their Easter stickers, lemonade Peeps from the States (I could barely choke one down!), a mini chocolate bunny, and of course, an Easter lamb cake.  Haha!
Oh yes, and eating an Easter egg from church. "Look, Mom! The middle is yellow!"

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