
First Sunday, Mother's Day, and Dedication

Today was a big day for our family. It was our first Sunday taking Nathanael to church. As you know, it is also Mother's Day. And finally, our church held a special time during the services for families to dedicate to raising children in the ways of Jesus. (We call it Baby Dedication at our church.)

Greg gave me the perfect Mother's Day gift -- a new pendant for my necklace. I have an angel's wing pendant that I bought after our first miscarriage and have worn it since then. Greg bought me a small, classy silver pendant of a mother holding a baby to add to the chain. Now I have them both near and dear to my heart always.

Getting to church was a little hectic as Daddy had to be there at 7:30. We made it by 7:35. Not bad for our first time and some unexpected travel plans. (Daddy missed his bus so we had to scramble to get ready an hour earlier than planned.)

Here are some pictures from the baby dedication time.
There were so many babies; this pictures doesn't even show them all!

Nathanael was sleeping well, so we left him in his carrier; you can barely even see him in the pictures.

Here's little Nathanael in his first church outfit. All of his dressier outfits are still a little too big for him, so we went with a cute hand-me-down from Eli.

I call this his keyboard pose. Doesn't he look like he's practicing playing the piano?
And here's my little pumpkin showing how strong he's getting. Look at him raising his head!

Can it really get any better than this?


Joann said...

Oh, Wow!!! He's already growing and changing so much! Thank you, thank you, thank you for the pictures and the stories and especially for gifting me with the Mother's Day thoughts. I'm still grinning from ear-to-ear (after having wiped away some happy tears). The Snapfish added pictures are great, too. What a strong little boy Nathanael's becoming! Hugs to all of you from Grandma!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures Kim. Thanks for letting us see how Nathanael is growing and changing. Looks like you adapt to motherhood very well. We love you all. Grandma Lois and Grandpa Earl.

Amy D said...

wow kim, that last picture is amazing. what a special little boy and how blessed he is to have you as his mother! Happy 1st Mother's Day!